Love Your Local Market & Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

NABMA has decided to extend Love Your Local Market Campaign for 2022 to link with the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

As you will be aware the NABMA plan was to bring back Love Your Local Market to its traditional dates this year of the last two weeks in May (13 – 27 May).

On Basecamp in recent days there has been a discussion around what markets are doing around the 4 day weekend, including two bank holidays, in respect of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee (2 – 5 June).

At the present there appear to be no consistency although it is almost certain that where market activities are taking place for Love Your Local Market and/or the Jubilee, then flags and bunting etc will be purchased.

NABMA has therefore decided that it will be sensible to extend the market celebration period for 2022, from 13 May until 5 June, to link together Love Your Local Market and the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. This will allow for local events, merchandise and publicity to be merged for greater impact.

This will also give NABMA, and our membership, a wider social media opportunity and content, avoid running two social media campaigns and will have a better capture for use of merchandise.

NABMA will be offering an opportunity to purchase merchandise and details will be released shortly.

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