Love Your Local Market Campaign 2024: A Vibrant Celebration

The Love Your Local Market Campaign (LYLM) 2024 has been a spectacular success, turning local markets into bustling hubs of activity and fun! This year's campaign has exceeded all expectations, showcasing the resilience and importance of local commerce through a variety of engaging activities and widespread participation.

Campaign Highlights

The 2024 campaign saw at least 400 markets across the country buzzing with excitement. This broad engagement highlights the growing love for local markets as essential places for community interaction and economic activity. With thousands of events, from special market days and live performances to workshops and family-friendly fun, there was something for everyone to enjoy.

Fun Activities and Events

  • Markets nationwide pulled out all the stops to attract and delight visitors. Here are some of the fantastic highlights:
  • Food and Drink Festivals: A feast for the senses, with local food and beverages creating a festive atmosphere that drew in crowds.
  • Family Fun Days: Live performances, games, and workshops made markets the perfect destination for family outings.
  • Special Promotions and Deals: Who doesn’t love a good deal? Markets offered special discounts and promotions, encouraging everyone to shop local.
  • Educational Visits: Schools got in on the fun too, with educational visits teaching kids about the important role of markets in their communities.
  • Trader Spotlights: Heartwarming stories of long-time traders were shared, deepening the community connection.
  • Broadcast Features: Some markets even got their moment of fame with media coverage, spreading the excitement even further.
  • Anniversary Celebrations: Markets celebrating milestone anniversaries threw special events, showcasing their rich history and community significance.
  • Trader Incentives: Many markets offered trader incentives such as trading for free during LYLM or discounted stalls, encouraging more participation and adding to the vibrant atmosphere.

Social Media Buzz

While the main action was at the markets, the campaign’s digital presence also played a big role in spreading the word and engaging a wider audience. Social media was abuzz with activity, showing just how many people we reached with an increase in impressions by 6.8% and a whopping 43.5% rise in engagements. The actual reach of the campaign was a staggering 7.1 million people, highlighting the campaign’s wide and effective spread.

Community Spirit

A huge thank you goes out to the amazing customers who visited and supported their local markets during the campaign. The overwhelming turnout showed just how much our communities value their local markets. Interactive social media campaigns added to the buzz, spreading the word and encouraging even more people to join in the fun.

Shoutout to Our Sponsors

The Love Your Local Market Campaign 2024 wouldn’t have been the same without the fantastic support of our sponsors and partners. A massive thank you to ZAPP, our main sponsor, for their incredible support. Their help was crucial in making the campaign such a hit.

We also want to give a big shoutout to GM Imber & Sons for providing free trader insurance, making it easier for traders to join in without worrying about extra costs.

David Preston, CEO of NABMA, had this to say about the campaign’s success: “The Love Your Local Market Campaign 2024 has truly shown how vital local markets are to our communities. From the campaign’s international launch in Chester with delegates from across Europe to the bustling Bank Holiday weekend filled with half-term fun, it’s been a landmark year for Love Your Local Market in the UK.  The amazing participation and support from markets, traders, and customers across the country have been phenomenal. This year’s campaign not only boosted local economies but also strengthened the community spirit that local markets bring. We are so grateful to everyone who helped make this event such a fantastic success.”

The Love Your Local Market Campaign 2024 has been a vibrant celebration of local markets and the unique charm they bring to our communities. The overwhelming success of this year’s campaign is a testament to the collective efforts of markets, traders, customers, and sponsors. Together, we’ve celebrated the enduring value of our local markets, ensuring they continue to thrive for years to come.

Thank you to everyone who participated and supported this incredible campaign. Your enthusiasm and energy have made Love Your Local Market 2024 an unforgettable celebration of community spirit and local commerce. Here’s to many more years of market magic!

Coming Soon

Stay tuned for the announcement of the LYLM Champions and the LYLM Newsletter later this month! We’ll be sharing highlights, your comments, successes, and pictures. Don’t miss out on celebrating the best moments of Love Your Local Market 2024!

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