Great Torrington Pannier Market

Great Torrington Pannier Market

14 South St, Great Torrington, Torrington EX38 8HE, UK

We will be offering free trade spaces for two weeks during the campaign and we will also be offering free insurance for new traders joining us during this period. (See our page for info).  Trade spaces need to be booked by the end of June.

If you are the operator / owner of the market you can amend the above information by completing the following form.

Market Name
Description of Your Market and how you will be celebrating LYLM
We will be offering free trade spaces for two weeks during the campaign and we will also be offering free insurance for new traders joining us during this period. (See our page for info).  Trade spaces need to be booked by the end of June.
Market Location (Start typing address)
— not set — London North East North West Yorkshire East Midlands West Midlands South East East of England South West Wales Scotland Northern Ireland
URL for more information
Image or Logo to represent your Market
Your Name
Your Email Address